Final clearing and cleaning of the shed getting ready for unpacking and inventorying of the delivery. It won't be this 'empty' again for quite a while.
Started the unpacking process with the finishing create. Mainly removing lots of paper wrapping and making sure there is nothing left over and thrown away.
After you remove the engine cowls and several layers of paper then you get to the single piece canopy. We were a little worried about how and where we were going to store this large bulky item but stuck on a brain wave.
After extracting the canopy we used some gaff tape to maintain its shape. I've been advised by other builders that it can 'sag' over a period of time and this is a way of stopping it.
The canopy in its safe resting place until it is needed. This is right in one corner of the shed and well out of the way. It only just fitted (about an 1/2 inch to spare) and it is sitting on top of a layer of polystyrene from the fuselage create.
Back to the finishing shipping create and there is yet more goodies, all individually wrapped.
At right at the bottom is the engine mount, gear legs and main tires.
Opened and visually checked the wing shipping crate. Then we put a supporting bar on the top and stood it back up.
Next came the empennage kit be unpacked (nice to know we are following the strict VAN's sequence :-)
And this is the total product. The wings are in the create right at the back of the photo, and the canopy and some of the stock sheet and bar aluminium is up on the shelves to the right, otherwise this is the parts that we will be working with for the next 3 months. In addition to any omissions that I'm sure we will find (I already know of a few). Next up is to check off each of the parts against the packing list from VANs. A job for tomorrow.......