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Thu 15 January 2004

Dimpled the trailing edge with the pneumatic squeezer. Tried to keep it fairly light and it came out OK.
The next major assembly is the elevators. I first laid out all the components I could find for both elevators, although generally they are built one at a time (right then left).
The rest of the day was spent cutting the stiffeners to size, sanding them, deburing various spars and ribs, and generally cleaning up the surfaces of the elevator parts. Pretty tedious but all needs to be done. Made good steady progress, lots more to do tomorrow.

So far we have waited to prime all the component parts (hence why I have no completed assemblies) but for the elevator I think we will have to rivet the stiffeners before folding the trailing edge. Not sure in which order we are going to prime things in yet, more thought needed.

I've had a quick site clean up and the daily log pages are now setup and working. The forward / back per day is work but keep moving through the 'nothing happened today' pages if you get them. As per usual, lots of spelling mistakes I'm sure abound. Any comments or thoughts let me know. 
Carl Morgan