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Mon 26 January 2004

The upper piano hinge across the back of the seats is only 15 1/2 " long by default (as per plans) but this means the edge distance is very marginal for drilling the end rivets. As I have some extra P3 piano hinge so I decided to make a longer replacements. If I had known I could of just cut the 3' P3 stock that was supplied in half and I would have had sufficient to do the same for both sides.
The after version. Much happier with this - a trivial thing but it would of annoyed me otherwise.
I then cut the uprights and cross members from the angle stock. The seats are going to be very rigid with the angle framing.
Dad sorted the lightening holes and tidied the edges of the rear seat brace.
We then clamped and drilled the lower corner locations for the seats. For the rest of the rivets we will wait for the Avery order to show up, which includes a rivet fan.
Dad finished the angle corners and smoothing whilst I was preparing for the even social. Early finish and out to see the locals.
Carl Morgan