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Sun 29 February 2004

Dad continued working on the rudder support bracket. The rotary burr in the pillar drill again.
The vertical flange needs drilling for the firewall stiffener.
And rather than trimming the support we decided to just put the lightening holes in instead. Hole saw made a racket but worked fine.
The final step was to clean and debur all the edges and smooth with the scotchbrite wheel.
Meanwhile I continued with the rudder pedals. After remaking one of the angle supports that I damaged yesterday during the rotary burr work I moved onto the main and the side plates countersinking.
Then it was the normal shaping, filing, smoothing and scotchbriting. I also did the angle shaping at the base of the supports.
VANs have a very specific call out for 3/16" drills (as oppose to #12's which are normally used for AN3 bolts) so I did as the instruction said. I opened the pivot points on the pedal side brackets and the powder coated swinging rudder controls.
The problem was the 3/16" drill was too "accurate" and didn't provide enough clearance for the bolts. But it was VERY close so I ran a 3/16" reamer through by hand.
I then located and organised all the bolts need and put the whole assembly together. The pedals are a very tight fit and the -10L washers are going to be a 'challenge'.
The next step is the drilling of the brake master cylinders to pedal horn. I'll sort out a good way of centering everything first. More research needed.
Carl Morgan