The rubbing was very specific in its location. The bell crank seemed fine (the 3/8 drill dropped through no problems) but the brass bushing didn't rotate fully. I spent time reducing the brass bushing carefully with scotch-brite and the steel crank with a rotating fine grade wet & dry.
Then I sorted the TruTrak servo mounting. I ended up switching the direction of the lower (as photographed) mounts so the fully threaded bolts go downwards and then a -10L washer with NyLock nut. The orange blobs is the torque seal marker. The upper bell crank pivot is a AN3-13A bolt with two -3 washers. I also primed the AL tubes used for spacers / push rods.
Then it was re-installed and torqued up maybe for the final time, yeah right.
For information, additional parts used:
3x NAS1801-3-20 (Fully threaded bolts)
1x AN3-13A & 1x AN3-7A bolts
3x AN960-10L washers
1x AN960-10 washer
4x AN960-3 washers
5x AN3 NyLocks - MS21044N3
Once the wind calmed a little and started the normal scuff, clean and etc process for the left hand side seat.
Then I primed it using the spray gun and the result was really good and even. I'll let it cure overnight, hopefully we'll be able to sort the priming of the right hand seat tomorrow (weather dependant).
I spent a final couple of hours this evening sorting some of the various bolts and bag hardware into consolidated storage. Up until now we have kept the various brown bags separate and used them as needed. We now have some idea of what the various parts are and have started to get to a point where we need to just group all like parts together. Therefore I started the long process with just the AN nuts, bolts and washers.