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Fri 09 December 2005

Dad continued with the spinner - marking the front plate plane.
The initial drilling were a little aft of 'perfect', hopefully the others will be able to move forward and by the time we get #19's for the #8 screws they should all be in line!
I continued with the cowls, first was tidying some of the resin from yesterday to allow the two halves to mate again and the side pins to go through.
Then it was remount and re-assess the gaps.
The RHS looks OK, some trimming on the upper rear right edge.
The LHS has a bit more or a problem. I think it is solvable, more final trimming needed first and probably then a little glass work on the bottom / side corner.
Then with the temps coming up nicely (28C) we returned to the canopy.
Only 8 extra locations to deal with - 2 per side rail and 2 lower rib points.
With all the canopy locations drilled next it is countersinking for the skin dimples / #6 screws. The instructions say use the 1/8" plexi bit and then the #30 piloted countersink - after a bit of thought I had some concerns as a number #30 is 0.003" bigger than 1/8" - therefore forcing the pilot into the plexi really doesn't sound like a good plan.
After some testing - this was proved correct. I drilled 8x 1/8" locations on a piece of scrap plexi, 2 had cracks after using the #30 piloted countersink.
After further testing, the best solution we could find was to use a 6 fluted countersink to help start the process and then the piloted #40 countersink with the small microstop.

Today we worked just around the rear of the rear canopy section.

The 5/32" plexi drill was the final step plus deburring countersink afterwards.
Carl Morgan