Fri 16 December 2005 |
The standard gas struts from VANs. The instructions say a critical distance of 9 11/16" - the struts only go to 9 1/2" minimum - not sure why / what is the best solution, but I don't want to stress the canopy / mounting locations too much so I'll probably just work with 9 1/2". |
Sorted the VANs configuration mounts on the side rails - no big problems, just checking the measurements and drilling. Getting the nuts on the back, under the longeron cover is a PITA but possible - just take your time. |
I started to re-cleco the canopy frame structure back together using as many clecos as I could find. It is amazing how much things 'move' as everything is tightened up with the increasing number of clecos. Then the skin was matchdrilled to #40s and aft edge to #30s. |
And here is the VANs version of the lift struts in action. |
you can see the struts are much smaller (lighter). |
This however is the problem, as the canopy comes down, at this point the struts are going 'over center', from here down to the fully down position there is ZERO support, therefore it is down to the pilot to 'cushion' the drop. |
This shows the size of the drop - significant. Even without the canopy bubble on, it has to be carefully lowered. |
To be honest, in review - I don't like it much! The current plan however is to continue as per VANs design and wait until the canopy frame / plexi is all together and forward skin is riveted onto the fuselage (which will provide more support / less flexing) and then review the options for struts. I will be putting stiffener plates in the forward mounting locations for the alternative configuration (see yesterday) and then it should be a fairly simple change if we decide to go that way (probable). |
Got tired of the canopy lugs pointing the in the 'wrong' direction so drilled the two upper locations to #40. I can cheat the alignment slightly later if needed. |
Also to assist with the canopy frame testing I re-cleco'd the front skin, but 'one hole forward' to prevent the two skins clashing. Tomorrow is deburring / countersinking / dimpling the canopy frame - boring but need to be done. |