Continued with the wiring - wing feeds for lights.
A number of areas need multiple feeds of the same line (eg. signal ground).
After some experiments using crimps and research I decided to use Bob's recommendation and wrap and solder. This is only for low power signal control, for real power I'll use pin crimps.
Obviously the important thing is to make sure the solder doesn't wick up the wire and result in a frature point. The whole joint was then covered in clear heat shrink.
To finish the day, I started looking at the stick controls. Then I relealisd that I have the wrong size grips. Note: it should be 1" (P1) and 7/8" (P2), I have 2x 3/4". Some emials sent to Michael Lewis (maker of the wodden grips that Vans & Spruce sell).
Update: Mike was really helpful - a few options - two new grips (without switches) is still nearly US$100 and shipping is a pain - I think we will try and modify the ones we have. I'm just annoyed I didn't realise when ordering.