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Mon 26 March 2007

I had two known area on the plenum which were a problem. The first is the fuel spider in the middle panel - I've already cut a simple smiley for it, the second was still to be decided. The number 1 cylinder top spark plug has a conflict with the upper plenum cover. The options considered were; simple grommet and spark plug lead through the surface or another 'bubble' to allow it to stay below the surface. I chose the second option so back to cutting holes with the rotorary burr and finger files.
Then plastic / tape to protect the paint work and clay moulds to provide the cover shapes. This was then finished with some release wax and left to dry before glassing.
The filtered air box also needed another outer layer of glass around the gear leg recess, so I prep'ed and smoothed this.
Then onto glass work again - nice temp to be working in (~23C) - things don't go off too quickly, but will harden overnight. The bubbles were simple enough - the challenge was to keep the glass patches small enough.
Mainly 2oz was used, with a layer of 6oz cloth in the middle for strength.
Also spent another couple of hours re-doing the LED annunciator PCB layout. I think I have a workable solution using a double sided board. 
Carl Morgan