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Fri 06 April 2007

After trimming / hacking about the covers, got the cowl halves together and screwed them in. Then more filing / profiling - might just work!
Then more micro-balloons - this time a little thinner and did some skimming of the lower cowl and built up the edges - hopefully this should smooth a lot of the gaps that we have had until now - the only concern is getting the parts apart again....
Dad went back to the spinner rear plates, starting with alignment and drilling of the rear plate.
Then more CAD developement and starting making plates. I got another reference file from the net which seems very close to my curves which is encouraging. At this point all we need is the parts to go together and not interfere with the prop - the clearance hole can be made later.
Like most things - practice / experience makes tool choice easier - sabre saw works well for this type of tight curves - I remember when we started with this tool and it being a real handful....
Carl Morgan