This is one area that I was planning to sit on the fence. In keeping with our general choice principles of tried and tested for basic flight safety, an engine that is tried, tested and proven is a fundamental component. In my world, as of today, that means Lycoming, the big problem is it IS still 1960's technology, not very fuel efficient or 'intelligent'. The Suburu option was also considered and the high altitude performance is very impressive, I also like the idea of A1-Jet (diesel) power (the running costs / efficiency is MUCH better), but it is all just too new and un-proven for me at the moment, maybe something more exotic for the RV10?.
The choice of which engine went through a number of phases, something along the lines of:
The next choice is where / who / how to get an engine. After considering a couple of NZ options, include self build and getting a local shop to build an engine for us, I decided to go with a USA sourced engine.
There are a number of options with excellent reputations, but I ended up going with Mattituck (primarily from Mahlon Russel's internet group support) and their working knowledge of the AeroSance FADEC system.
I would make the same choice again in a heart beat - one of the best choices I made in the whole project.
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