Mon 03 April 2006 |
I spent for the first few hours today sanding and cleaning up the cowl in lets. |
Then we cleared the desks and got the RHS wing out. The plane is to try finishing up what we can and then get it re-mounted. I sorted the lower skin nutplates. |
Dad continued with the wing tip lights, working with the template locations. |
Finishing the day I looked at the nuts for the fuel pickups. The VANs Service Bulletin suggested drilling and safety tieing of the nuts - although I don't think it is a great engineering solution for the problem, I think it is easier to just comply with it. I was nervous about the drilling of the nuts, but in the end it wasn't too bad. I started with a center drill to get a ~45 degree edge. |
Then a #60 drill could be used for the cross drill. I ended up completing both nuts without too much problem. |